From the trenches of in-house photo research in the 1990s, we fought to bring technical sophistication to publishers' growing image databases.  Photo research, then as now a collaboration between geographically distant freelancers, authors, and in-house staff, was becoming a nightmare of missed deadlines and miscommunication.  Project timelines were happily contracting to meet technological advances on the production side, but the tools to accelerate the research side just weren't there.

In the early 2000s, in partnership with web and systems professionals from the intense IT worlds of pharmaceuticals and banking, FigureOne took shape as a resilient, high-performance online service with a foothold in the real experience of publishing.  We built a system, really the system, for our industry.

That was over 10 years ago (we were known by the more generic name “Cypress Image Gallery” back then, and many people were on dial-up!) and our system remains as sturdy, full-featured, lightning-fast — in a word, indispensable — as ever.  Clients say they don't know how they'd get to production without us, and their authors, most of whom are not particularly tech-savvy, praise FigureOne's ease-of-use as a matter of course.  (Our usually-empty tech support queue is its own testimonial!)